"You Can't Make Me!"
Too many parents drag their kids to the clinic and don’t realize that they themselves really are best suited to create change in their own household. Shaping Strong Families provides time-proven parent tools and resources to help families deal with everyday behavioral issues that can disrupt a peaceful family rhythm.
We know you love your children!
We also know that you are the best person to help your kids through common behavioral issues.
After completing our online course, “You Can’t Make Me!” you will have the tools to shape a healthy, strong, and peaceful family rhythm in your own home.
Course Curriculum
Hey there!
We are Charisse and Chelsea, the mother-daughter duo and founders of Shaping Strong Families. Charisse is a therapist specializing in family crisis and intervention, and Chelsea is a mama of three (and a half!). As a therapist for over 25 years, Charisse found that parents could handle many childhood issues once they were given the necessary tools. So Charisse and her daughter Chelsea have partnered together to provide evidence-based tips and tricks to conquer stages from toddler to teen and build a strong, healthy family rhythm.
More Courses Available!
Shaping Strong Familes has so much to offer families dealing with common matters. See below for more!